Sunday 29 December 2013

Cosplay- What you gonna play?

In my childhood days I used to watch Animax channel a lot. My favorite one. I was and still I am a huge fan of all those anime characters. My favorite anime character among all the other is Hell Girl also known as Jigoku Shojo: Girl from Hell. I use to wonder if i can ever be like her.

Isn't she cute? I love Hell Girl. Miss this anime:(

Then I heard of this word Cosplay which usually refers to "costume play". In this you can dress-up like your favorite anime character and be like them for a moment. This kind of events usually takes place around Korea, Malaysia almost every year. My favorite cosplay artist is Alodia Gosiengfia. She had made remarkable achievements in the cosplay community. And she is pretty too!
Alodia cosplaying Kagome - Inuyasha

Isn’t  this cool and fun!! So i have decided what I am going to play? Have you?:)

1 comment:

  1. Its cool :)
    Seems interesting..
    I would like to be Goku :D
